Thursday, 6 June 2013

Back and Better...

While growing up, one of my favourite pastime activities has always been people watching. I may have dropped some habits (bad or good) but there are two things that have been constant all my life. Maybe, I'll talk about the first one some other time, but the second is definitely people watching. Airports, train stations, bus parks/stops/garages, shops, stores, wherever. So, about three weeks ago when I went for my cousin's graduation from law school, (which by the way was the most inspiring event I've been to in a while) I found myself people watching as usual. Old habits die hard. The parents and guardians cheering their children and wards while on their feet, the relatives and friends who didn't give a damn about standing under the sun, as long as doing it meant they were supporting the people they love and cherish; the loud and somewhat deafening cheer as each graduating student happily mounted the podium to receive diplomas they had previously burned the midnight candle for; the hugs these students received from families and friends; the after parties, receptions and the likes which turned out to be a mini reunion for some families; the food, delicacies, dishes, drinks and champagnes. All those things were epitomes of joy, celebration, achievement and laughter for me. You see, many of these families and friends had traveled down from different parts of the country to celebrate with their loved ones. While success is a beautiful thing on its own, it is even more beautiful when you achieve your lifelong goals and you see the people you love standing by you.

This is why, even though Loveoasis Magazine celebrates our wonderful couples, we always endeavour to celebrate and appreciate their magnanimous families and friends. Celebration is our forte, and only very few things give more joy than seeing two people who decide to spend the rest of their lives together. Hence, weddings are worth every bit of the celebrations that come with it
Unfortunately, for a long while now, this blog has been quiet. Too quiet for what we initially planned for it. This of course is an inexcusable act, but there are some reasons. OK, some excuses :). For some months now, we have had the opportunity to take part in the weddings of some amazing couples and focusing on publishing more editions somehow made us neglect this blog. However, things are about to change. There will definitely be more blog posts henceforth. These blog posts will in no way be to display our erudition about certain things. Rather, let's say they will be sort of used to propitiate you. You may not get a hold of the deliciousness a.k.a the hard copies of various editions of Loveoasis Magazine, but that should not stop you from enjoying the content of the magazine here, on the blog. Therefore, just like the magazine's content; lifestyle, relationship, marriage, health, fashion, inspiration and even more, this blog will be for all and sundry. Now, I'm no raconteur or some sagacious superwoman who will always have amusing and savvy stories for you. What I can promise however is that, raconteurs, sagacious people who have lots of knowledge in one field or the other will be featured.

As convoluted as life can sometimes be, it's important to always find your happy place and learn to take leaps of faith no matter what. On my cousin's graduation day, some other schools in the city were having their graduation, but for undergraduates. Well, they are now graduates. I noticed the excitement and enthusiasm in them. I mean, these are people who have no clue of what the future holds for them. Most of whom, probably don't even know what to do next. But they chose to be happy anyway, to be excited and most of all to have faith. They probably may not have so much faith for a glamorous future, but I'm quite sure they believe that whatever the future brings, they will be able to handle it. The same can actually be said about newly weds; they decide to get married without knowing what life will bring their way. It is almost like going into a room that has its door open without even knowing what is behind that door. One thing makes the difference though; it's called 'a leap of faith'. Whether it's with a decision, or with someone, or with life choices, why don't you just quit approaching situations with so much difficulty and take a leap of faith.


  1. Ifeoluwa, my beautiful daughter,

    This is VERY cool! And I hope you'll keep it least, with random musings. As you rightly stated yourself, all you need is just a "leap of faith"...that's all.
